Mar 16, 2008


Last days I am going more in crowded places..more intercting with other ppl,communicating,testing myseslf,seeing if there is any reactions wthin,to apply self-forgivnes for.Thats what I 'missed' before-just realized that.I kinda 'secluded' myself-me and process,all day long--went all good,but when interacting with to many ppl at once --started loosing focus.When walking in the nature,by sea shore 'peacefull' enviroment,was so easier to be''silent within myself...but then for a change walking through the city,to many things start..getting your attention.So I started now,being more in crowded places..just being silent where is 'noise- focused on my breath..where there is to many things trying to distract me.Thats when I am 'testing' myself...see if there is any movement from within-any reaction.Last days I've been noticing,while being in dfferent kind of situations--that I 'try to not to pay attention to them.When seeing ppl doing somthing that seek my attention,I 'try to pretend' like nothing is happening..just so the thoughts don't sart poping up.You see somone doing this,other doing that...then curiosity kicks I noticed that by not 'paying attention to such situations... that then curiosity emerge and they become more intense.I tryed so many tiimes to ignore the situation..but found out thoughts re more 'intense' coz of curiosity.So a lot easier to actually pay 'attention' to a situation'..not trying to ignore it,see if thoughts arise,and then applying self-forgvnes,delete thm and move on.

1 comment:

Mind Robot said...

thx for the usefull tip