Mar 10, 2008


I just r ealized that while reading something for the first time,and have a und'rstanding of that, by reading it another time(another hour,day,month doesn't matter) I kinda see the points that didn't noticed before.Thats why I even read some of the blogs of others more than once and 'everytime realize' something new about it.While reading blogs of others I've noticed how much 'our processes are similar.We ar' mostly facing the same is'ues which really shows how the 'mind' works.Very often in som'ones blog I notice the points that I am fac'ing now or that I've faced before.Even when I t'ink that I dealt with some particul'r point while reading som'ones post on blog,I realiz'e that I 'missed' som'thing which this person is writing about.When 'facing the point' wich I find diffic'lt and start t'inking that I am the 'only one' facing this just to find out there are a lot of pthers going trough the same thing.Sometimes I got fr'strated when I face the point that I th'ink I've dealt with before just to 'create more reasons' for applying self-forgivnes,instead puting that b'hind me and just moving on.I tend to get irittatedd and fall into the 'mind' getting cough't in curiosity to follow the though'ts.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to get angry at myself when facing the same point that I have dealt with before instead of realizing that there are 'more then one layer' of that point which I have to apply self-forgivness for.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself by feeling guilt for allowing myself to get angry and frustrated when facing the same point that I've faced before.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to tend to fall into the mind 'searching' for the point being 'missed' instead of being here moving me,directing me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to look for the answer within the mind instead living the question and 'walking' into and living the answer.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel 'sorry' for myself and get cought in that 'self-pity' mode and blaming everything outside of myself when facing the same point that I faced before instead of being here,standing up and taking responsibility for myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in thoughts and get cought in curiosity to follow them like they can show me where the point is being 'missed',instead of realising that thoughs will just go in rounds leading me nowhere near the answer for the answer is not within the mind.

1 comment:

Rajah Mahsohn said...

Equality and oneness means no one is further along in their "journey" than anyone else, I used to think because I had shed my beliefs of a particular construct and embraced another that I was further along or better than those still stuck in their belief. Until I realized we have all been betrayed by that which we think we are. And those "others" that aren't as "enlightened" as me are actually showing me my own foolishness. So everyone is "learning" and "teaching" at the same time.

I am deception